
Signs You May Have More Than Long COVID

By Cynthia Adinig

1. New Symptoms: If your symptoms evolve or new ones emerge despite treatment, it could indicate that there's more at play than your current diagnoses account for. Autoimmune diseases often present in ways that overlap with MCAS, MECFS, and dysautonomia but require different treatment approaches.

2. Recovery Plateaus: Hitting a plateau in your symptom management or finding that your medications have ceased to be effective is a sign that your condition might need to be re-evaluated. This could indicate the development of another condition or the need for a different treatment strategy.

3. Out of The Box Symptoms: Autoimmune conditions can present a wide array of symptoms not exclusively tied to post-COVID-associated conditions such as MCAS, MECFS, or dysautonomia. For example, significant joint swelling, skin changes that do not align with allergic reactions or systemic symptoms like fever and weight changes could suggest an autoimmune component.

4. Holistic Review of Your Health History: Sometimes, the key to understanding your current health challenges lies in a comprehensive review of your entire health history, including any previous autoimmune issues, family history, and environmental factors. This holistic approach can uncover connections that might have been previously overlooked.