
Hidradenitis suppurativa

Evidence: Unconfirmed


Acne inversa
Hidradenitis suppurativa
Suppurative hidradenitis


Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic condition featuring painful boil-like lumps (called abscesses) that develop under the skin when hair follicles become blocked and inflamed. The lumps can break open and leak pus and blood. They can leave thick scars and tunnels (called sinus tracts) under the skin. The lumps are usually found in the armpit or groin areas, but they can occur any place where hair grows or where skin rubs together (such as between the thighs or under the breasts).

Some people only have mild or moderate cases of hidradenitis suppurativa. For others, the symptoms can be severe, affecting multiple areas of their bodies and leading to scarring and pain that can make it difficult to move.

There are indications that HS is an autoimmune disease, but to date, no conclusive evidence has been published.


None found


US Cases: 1,696,000 - 2,688,000 [Calao 2018].

Typical Age of onset

Usually between puberty and age 40. [Mayo Clinic]


  • Small pitted areas of skin containing blackheads

  • Painful red bumps that enlarge, break open, and drain pus. The pus may have an unpleasant odor

  • Pea sized lumps under the skin, which can last for years and become inflamed

  • Leaking bumps or sores that heal very slowly and recur over time

  • Scarring and tunnels under the skin